Publication Rules and Conditions

The main rules and requirements for publication in the advanced scientific journal Al-Majd can be summarized as follows

1. Languages: The journal adopts Arabic and English as its languages of publication.

2. Research Structure: The submitted research must adhere to the standard components of a scientific paper, including the title, abstract, introduction, research problem and questions, objectives and significance, methodology, main and subheadings in the body of the study, conclusion and recommendations, references, and any tables or appendices if applicable.

3. Length: The research should not exceed 20-35 pages. An additional fee may be applied to research that exceeds the estimated number of pages specified by the journal.

4. Formatting: The submitted copies should be in MS Word format, using Times New Roman font. Headlines should be in font size 16, while the body of the research should be in font size 12 or 14. The text should have a 1.5 line spacing.

5. Numbering: Attention should be given to the sequential numbering of figures and tables throughout the research paper.

6. Originality: The journal requires the submission of original research that has not been previously used or published in any other journals.

7. Research Ethics: Authors must adhere to research ethics during the preparation and submission process for the research to be considered for publication.

8. Scope of Publications: The journal is interested in publishing research papers across various fields, including translations, book references, reports, summaries of master’s and doctoral theses, and graduation projects.

9.  Referencing Style: The research should follow the documentation pattern of the American Psychological Association (APA) for the citation and referencing of sources. The list of references should be arranged alphabetically.

10.  Submission Requirements: Researchers are required to submit two versions of their research, one in Word format and the other in PDF format.